Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lying For No Reason December 30, pages 53-70 RR4

Holden is very impulsive, once he gets an idea to do something he does it. After his fight with Stradlater over Jane Gallagher, Holden decides he is going to leave. In the middle of the night he packs his bags to go to New York City instead of staying for the rest of his classes, since he was going to be kicked out that week anyway. More off Holden’s off beat personality is shown on the train on his way to New York City. He meets the mother of a boy he knows from Pencey. He lies to her for no reason at all, giving her a false name and telling her lies about her son. Holden made her son out to be a modest, nice guy, when he really wasn’t at all. The only explanation he gave for what he did was that he was in the mood to lie to the woman.