Jerome David Salinger was born January 1, 1919 in New York City to Sol and Miriam Salinger. Salinger grew up in Manhattan and attended public school. He then went on to attend prep schools where he found it difficult to feel comfortable. His father enrolled him into military school for the last two years before his graduation in June 1936. During his schooling Salinger was involved, but distant. In 1938 Salinger enrolled in Ursinus College in Pennsylvania. He extended his literary interested into his college life. Salinger dropped out after one semester in college. Salinger gained a dislike of college structure. In spite of this, Salinger went on to attend Columbia University in 1939. While studying there he took a class by Whit Burnett, who made a lasting impression on Salinger and created opportunities for him to publish his first story, (World Biography). After a lot of work, he began to write for other magazines. Salinger served in World War II from 1942 until the end of the war, (1945). He carried a portable typewriter and continued to write while in the service. Once he returned home, he began his prominent fiction writing career. The New Yorker published his story, “Slight Rebellion Off Madison.” This writing then became a part of his novel The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger went on to write another book, but since the publishing of The Catcher in the Rye tried his best to stay away from the public eye and moved from New York City and moved to Cornish, New Hampshire. Although there has not been much more published work, there are rumors that he may have written many more novels which are hidden in his house, (Bio).
After doing research on J.D. Salinger I realize that he has many things in common with his The Catcher in the Rye main character Holden Caulfield. Both Holden and Salinger went to prep schools. Neither of them adjusted very well to their surroundings there. Salinger’s life obviously played a major role in The Catcher in the Rye. His school experiences and the opinions that he formed are mirrored in the character of Holden Caulfield and the novel. Salinger’s attitude towards schooling and the normal, accepted society was negative. His life influences the stories that he writes. Another interesting aspect of Salinger’s personality is that he has acted in ways that reflect Holden Caulfield’s opinions. In the novel Holden expressed his dislike of people who are good at things, but know that they are good at them and become worse. It is rumored that Salinger wrote many other works in private and is kept them in his home. Also, Holden contradicts himself in the things that he wants, he will work to achieve something and then decide that he no longer wants it. When Salinger gained his fame and notoriety that he worked so hard for since he was in grade school, he hid from the public and avoided his popularity.
J.D. Salinger
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