Sunday, January 2, 2011

Impulsive Holden January 2, pages 89-105 RR6

In this section of the story it is evident again how impulsive Holden is. We saw it first when Holden decided to leave Pencey in the middle of the night and head to New York. Now, when Holden returns to his hotel there is a pimp in the elevator who asks him if he wants a girl. Without really thinking, Holden says yes because he is in the mood for that kind of thing. Holden has never done anything like that before and then decides to have a prostitute sent to his room. At first he acts like the situation doesn’t bother him, but when the girl gets there, he tells her he only wants to talk. He makes up a story about him having a surgery and that he would just like to have some company. Things turn sour when the girl goes to leave and increases the price. Holden refuses to pay the five extra dollars, so she comes back to the room with her pimp. Even in the face of the large man who threatens to beat him up Holden will not pay the extra money, so the girl takes it out of his wallet while Maurice, the pimp, roughs him up.

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